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The project explores the nano-world, emphasizing cancer diagnosis with gold nanoparticle-based biosensors. The goal is to study nanomedicine and nanotechnology through an internship at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, learning about biosensors, their operation with gold nanoparticles, and cancer diagnostic techniques. PLGA nanoparticles were synthesized to simulate the cancer treatment drug Doxorubicin, and gold nanoparticles for its diagnosis in biosensors. Additionally, 3 interviews were conducted with researchers. Finally, a website was created to disseminate nanotechnologies comprehensively to the general public. Conclusions verify superior characteristics and properties with nanometric diagnostic techniques, highlighting nanomedicine's promising applications. Characteristics and effects of gold nanoparticles applied to a nanobiosensor for cancer detection are also presented.


Keywords: nanomedicine, nanotechnology, gold nanoparticles, biosensor, cancer.

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